Finca Cortesin is honored to have been awarded Best Resort Hotel in Spain and Portugal in the Travel + Leisure 2020 World’s Best Awards. The acclaimed Spanish resort also placed second on the list of the best European resort hotels and eleventh among the Top 100 Hotels in the World.

“We are thrilled to have been named the number one resort in Spain and Portugal by the discerning readers of Travel + Leisure,” said General Manager Rene Zimmer. “With our reopening earlier this month, we are excited to welcome back travelers to Andalusia and to Finca Cortesin. Our team has returned to do what they do best, taking care of our guests.”


Travel + Leisure seeks to inspire and empower the world’s most curious and passionate travelers to travel more and travel better. Travel + Leisure’s World’s Best Awards are chosen by a readers’ choice survey in which respondents rate hotels on a number of characteristics including rooms/facilities, location, service, food and value. 

Read all about The World’s Best Awards 2020:

The Top 5 Resort Hotels in Spain and Portugal

The Top 15 European Resort Hotels

The Top 100 Hotels in the World

Golf Health & Safety protocol

Guidelines for Safe Recreational Golf (COVID19)

The general recommendations of the Health Authorities have priority.

The measures described here are the result of contributions from the whole of Spanish golf, international bodies in the world of golf and specific procedures placed by Finca Cortesin Golf Club Management.

Finca Cortesin wishes to ensure the full health & safety of all guests and staff, therefore the following guide are measures and requirements for golf players at Finca Cortesin in order to guarantee social distance and minimize the risk of contagion (Covid-19).

The game of golf has some specific peculiarities that make its practice accessible and safe after the Covid-19 Among them, the following stand out:

IMPORTANT: Guests must NOT attend the facilities if they have been in contact with someone affected with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or if they are under a period of quarantine, feel any symptoms, such as a cough, fever or breathing difficulties (either yourself, family or persons you share your residence with)

Before playing

During the game

After playing

Finca Cortesin Facilities

General Health & Safety Protocol

Dear Guests & Partners,

Finca Cortesin had always set extreme high standards of sanitation, cleaning procedures and hygiene. In order to strengthen the knowledge of our professional and specially trained team members, we count with world leader partner’s in water, hygiene and energy technologies that protect people and vital resources; in order to keep our property clean and safe, operate efficiently and achieve our sustainability goals.

We are designing such a tailor-made arrival experience that will be at the level of our guest’s expectations, from advance check in to avoid paper work and passport information being shared to 24 hours facetime concierge to satisfy all your needs or questions you may have. We always offered a natural distancing between pool loungers at all pools and the Beach Club, distancing in restaurants and increased pop-up dining experiences elsewhere on the hotel grounds, enhanced villa rental offerings with e.g. private Chefs to minimize traffic flow in restaurants, strict Hygiene Protocols emplace around the Resort, daily cleaning service with certified Ozone and / or UV surface & room disinfection technologies.

Suites & Villas

  • Our Resort uses extensive cleaning and disinfecting protocols to prepare rooms, suites & Villas after guests depart and before the next guest arrives.
  • Each guest will receive a personal amenity kit located in their room or suite containing face masks and hand sanitizer.
  • Regular cleaning of air filters and air conditioning systems by our especially trained maintenance staff
  • When cleaning guest rooms, we pay particular attention to high-touch items. All bed linen and laundry are changed daily and washed at a high temperature.
  • We’ve also increased the frequency of air filter replacement and fresh air exchange will be maximised.
  • Guest luggage & cars will be sanitized upon arrival.

Common Areas & Rest Rooms

  • Hand sanitizer will be available in key places including: main reception, lobby, guest restrooms, entrances, spa reception, pools and fitness area.
  • Provision of surgical masks or similar and hand sanitizer to all associates; our prevention program includes continuous health checks.
  • We are cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and common areas with increased frequency.
  • Continuous cleaning of general touch points e.g. door handles, light switches, tabletops, chairs, surfaces in general.
  • Social distancing guidance in public areas across hotel property.

Restaurants, Garden & Pool Areas

  • Restaurants, bars, pool areas, fitness area and all other outlets will also observe social distancing and comply with the state mandated occupancy limits.
  • These areas will be deep cleaned and sanitised once per hour and after each use, including tables, seating, menus and payment machines. In-room dining will also continue to operate under new strict measures to ensure your safety.
  • Kitchen staff have reinforced in addition to department protocols, all personal health procedures, these include facemasks and hair caps.
  • Restaurants, pools, beach seating and lounging areas will be spaced out implying reduction in capacities. Advanced reservations absolutely necessary at any stage.
  • Implementation of enhanced food safety and hygiene protocols for restaurants and room service.

Staff & Associates

We’re ensuring that our staff members stay healthy both inside and outside the workplace with:

  • Employees are receiving regular training on our new standards regarding COVID-19 health & safety protocols.
  • Every member of staff must strictly comply with these protective measures recommended by the Spanish National Health System.
  • The measures include temperature checks for all staff upon arrival and departure of hotel, hand hygiene, wearing masks and social distancing.
  • Provision of surgical masks and hand sanitizer to all associates.
  • Employees will also be asked to stay home and seek medical attention if they, or someone in their household, has any COVID-19 symptoms.

Should you wish to discuss these or any specific concerns you have prior to your arrival, we will be happy to do so.

In the meantime, I would like to thank you for being a fan and we look forward to welcoming you again soon.

René Zimmer—General Manager

How to prepare…

A High-Lands Cocktail by Daniele Maroni, Head Bar Tender and Drinks & Cocktail Manager at Finca Cortesin

Macallan 12 double cask50ml
Palo Cortado Leonor 1250ml
Fresh Ginkgo Leaves

Just two ingredients that I love, single malt scotch whisky and Palo Cortado, sometimes less is more.


Golf Course reopening 1st of June!

Golfers have the opportunity to enjoy one of Europe’s premier luxury golf experiences again after Finca Cortesin reopened for business following the Covid-19 lockdown.

We reopened exclusively to members on May 25, while visitors are being invited to book and play from Monday, June 1. All players are being asked to observe the social distancing and Covid-19 measures that have been put in place.

Finca Cortesin has hosted numerous high-profile tournaments since opening in 2006 including the Volvo World Match Play Championship in 2009, 2011 and 2012.

Renowned for its five-star customer experience and attention to detail, the exclusive resort is the first golf venue in Spain to feature a new, eco-friendly variety of Bermuda grass on all its greens, while its expert maintenance team worked extensively during lockdown to ensure the course condition is the best it has ever been for reopening.

Complementing the golf course are outstanding practice facilities including the recently-upgraded Jack Nicklaus Golf Academy, which will also reopen from June 1.

James Beesley, director of golf at Finca Cortesin Hotel, Golf & Spa, said: “The last couple of months has been a difficult time for everyone and it’s a pleasure to be able to welcome golfers to the resort again. The golf course is looking beautiful and our team has worked tirelessly to make sure that it is as good as ever for everyone that visits over the coming months.”

Book online at Finca Cortesin for an experience you will never forget. Special rates available throughout the summer from 135€ per person including buggy.

How to prepare…

A Passion Gin Martini by Daniele Maroni, Head Bar Tender and Drinks & Cocktail Manager at Finca Cortesin

Gaugin Mountain5 cl
Fresh Passion Fruit Puree3 cl
Fresh Lemon Juice2 cl
Vanilla Syrup1,5 cl
Free Brothers Bitter Foam


Pour the ingredients into your Shaker, shake it well and double strain into a Martini Glass, garnish with half Passion Fruit !


Don Giovanni by Lorenzo Castillo

Astonishing new interior design by acclaimed spanish decorator Lorenzo Castillo

Awarded two “Suns” in the Repsol Guide and named the best Madrid-based Italian restaurant, Don Giovanni’s Sicilian chef Andrea Tumbarello continues to receive culinary accolades.

He masterfully brings the authentic taste of Italy to Finca Cortesin, preparing recipes that respect century-old traditions, whilst cleverly combining them with ingenuity and innovation.

Discover the menu here.

PyR con Ricardo Jiménez, Director de la Academia Jack Nicklaus en Finca Cortesin

Parte II

Continuación de la entrevista con nuestro Director de Instrucción, Ricardo Jiménez Eliaeson, para descubrir algunos secretos sobre su vida en el golf y en la enseñanza.

Ricardo: Fui jugador profesional durante 25 años, jugué principalmente en el Circuito Nacional, el European Challenge Tour, y también jugué torneos del European Tour. Tuve la suerte de jugar con muchos de los mejores jugadores de la época. Esa fue una parte increíble de mi vida y estoy muy agradecido a todos mis compañeros profesionales de los que tanto aprendí.

Mi único objetivo era ganar suficiente dinero para poder jugar el siguiente torneo, pero también llego el momento de pensar en formar una familia y cuando llegó ese momento, por supuesto, me di cuenta de que tenía que encontrar un trabajo más estable. Abrí una academia de golf en Marbella que despegó rápidamente y tuvimos cierto éxito y tuve la suerte en ese momento poder compaginar la enseñanza y la competición.

A principios de 2006, recibí una llamada de Javier Reviriego, Director de Golf de un nuevo proyecto llamado Finca Cortesin. Vine, jugué el campo y me ofrecieron un trabajo que simplemente no podía rechazar. ¡El proyecto era simplemente increíble! y el resto, como dicen, es historia. Son 14 años en Finca Cortesin al que estoy muy agradecido por la confianza depositada en mi en todos estos años. De alguna manera, me preparé toda mi vida para conseguir este trabajo. Estoy 100% convencido de que la formación es un factor clave para convertirme en un buen maestro y cuando jugaba de manera competitiva, pasaba todo mi tiempo estudiando, asistiendo a seminarios, observando a los mejores instructores y preparándome en diferentes áreas para convertirme en el mejor profesor de golf posible.

¿El mejor consejo que recibiste de un profesional del Tour?

El mejor consejo que tuve fue de mi gran maestro y amigo escocés Don Ross. Yo era un jugador muy técnico y estaba en medio de una gran crisis de juego. Fue tan dura que estaba pensando en dejar el golf competitivo. El fue mi maestro en la última parte de mi carrera de aficionado y nunca golpeé a la bola e hice tantos buenos resultados como esa parte de mi vida. Don, regresó a España después de seis años trabajando en el extranjero y me llamó y me dijo que fuera a verlo a Montecastillo. Cuando vio mi swing y la forma en que estaba golpeando la pelota y actuando en el campo, no lo podía creer. Había perdido mi esencia y mi resiliencia en la búsqueda del swing perfecto. Me miró profundamente a los ojos y me dijo que dejara de pensar y que simplemente me concentrara en pegar a la bola al objetivo. Pasé el mes siguiente con ese único pensamiento en el campo de golf y realmente funcionó. Fui el ejemplo perfecto de un jugador que se había perdido tratando de alcanzar la perfección.

¿Qué tipo de ejercicios haces para calentar?

El ejercicio principal en el que me centro es en estiramientos. Soy un verdadero creyente de que cuanto más flexible seas, más tiempo podrás jugar a tiempo, especialmente cuando seas mayor. También hago ejercicios funcionales y ejercicios de fuerza.

Describe tu juego de golf en cuatro palabras.


¿A qué jugador del Tour se parece más tu juego?

¡A todos los jugadores que fallan muchos greens en regulación!

¿Cuál es tu recuerdo favorito al ganar a tus compañeros profesionales de golf en un torneo?

En 2003, gané un gran torneo en el circuito español donde vencí a Pablo Larrazabal el último día. Jugamos juntos en el último grupo el domingo y nunca en mi vida sentí tanta presión en mis antebrazos como cuando tuve un putt de un metro para ganar el torneo. Me retire de la bola, respiré hondo y volví a hacer la rutina y emboque el putt. El trabajo estaba hecho. Recuerdo conducir a casa y estar muy orgulloso al haber terminado el primero de 144 jugadores que jugaron esa semana, y eso nunca cambiará. Fue una sensación genial.

Tu has sido un miembro vital del equipo de Finca Cortesin durante 14 años. ¿Cuéntanos algo que el golfista medio no sabe sobre el campo de golf de Finca Cortesín?

Finca Cortesin es un campo de golf increíble y todavía estoy tratando de aprender cómo jugarlo. Me encantan los campos que te exigen jugar todos los palos de la bolsa y Finca Cortesin es uno de ellos. Desde el tee de salida tienes que ir largo pero preciso y debes aprender a atacar a la bandera, con eso quiero decir, que a veces tienes que jugar lejos de las banderas si no quieres arruinar la vuelta. Cuando llegas al green, debes estar en la parte correcta si quieres evitar hacer tres putts, y si fallas el green, tu juego corto debe ser preciso y creativo. Si aprendes a jugar el campo de la manera que el diseñador quería que jugáramos, entonces es posible hacer resultados. Si realmente quieres disfrutar de la vuelta, olvídate de ser agresivo y piensa en cómo puedes poner la pelota en juego y jugar a la parte mas ancha del green. Para hacerlo, debes conocer las fortalezas de cada hoyo y cuáles son sus debilidades. Nunca intentes jugar con las debilidades de tu juego contra el punto fuerte del hoyo.

Visite la Academia Jack Nicklaus en Finca Cortesin para más información.

Q&A with Jack Nicklaus Academy Director of Instruction Ricardo Jiménez

Part II

Continuing insight into our Director of Instruction, Ricardo Jimenez Eliaeson secrets about his life in golf and coaching:

Ricardo: I was a Tour player for 25 years, playing mainly on the Spanish Tour and European Challenge Tour, but also playing some events on the main European Tour. I was fortunate enough to play with all the best players who were around then.  That was an amazing part of my life and I was very grateful to all the pros who I learned so much from. 

My only goal was to earn enough money so that I could play the next tournament but I also thought about raising a family and when that moment came, I, of course, realised that I had to find a more stable job.  I opened a golf academy in Marbella that quickly took off and became a success and I was lucky at this time that the academy allowed me to both teach and continue to play competitions.  

At the beginning of 2006, I received a call from Javier Reviriego, director of golf of a new project called Finca Cortesin.  I came and played the course and was then offered a job that I simply couldn’t turn down. The project was just awesome and the rest, as they say, is history! I have been working at Finca Cortesin for 14 years and I only have thankful words for the trust they have placed in me for all of these years. In some ways, I prepared all my life to get this job. I am 100 per cent convinced that education is a key factor in becoming a good teacher and when I was playing competitively, I spent all my time researching, assisting at seminars, watching the best instructors and training myself in different areas to become a golf coach.

Best tip you ever got from a Tour pro?

The best tip I ever had was from my lovely Scottish teacher Don Ross.  I was a very technical player and I was in the middle of a big slump. It was so bad that I was thinking about quitting competitive golf.  He was my teacher in the last part of my amateur career and I never hit the ball and scored as well as this part of my life.  He returned to Spain after six years working abroad and he gave me a call and told me to come and see him in Montecastillo.  When he saw my swing and the way I was hitting the ball and performing on the course, he could not believe it. I had lost my inner essence; resilience in the search of the perfect swing.  He looked deep into my eyes and told me to stop thinking and to just start hitting the bloody ball.  I spent the next month with that sole thought on the golf course and it really worked.  I was the perfect example of a player that had got lost trying to reach perfection.

What kind of exercises do you do to warm up?

The main exercise I focus on is stretching. I’m a true believer that the more flexible you are, the longer you can play in time, especially when you get older. I also do functional exercises and strength exercises.

Describe your golf game in four words.


What player on tour does your game most resemble?

All the players that miss a lot of greens!

What is your favourite memory of beating your fellow golf professionals?

in 2003, I won a big tournament on the Spanish circuit where I beat Pablo Larrazabal the last day. We were playing together in the last group on the Sunday and I never in my life felt so tight in my forearms than when I had a one-metre putt to win the tournament. I moved back from the ball, took a deep breath and put the ball in the hole.  The job was done. I remember driving home and I was so proud because I had finished first out of 144 players playing that week.  And that will never change. That was a cool feeling.

You have been a vital member of the Finca Cortesin team for 14 years. Tell us something the average golfer doesn’t know about Finca Cortesin’s golf course?

Finca Cortesin is an amazing golf course and I’m still trying to learn how to score here.  I love courses which require you to play all the clubs in your bag and Finca Cortesin is one of them. You have to be long but accurate from the tee and you have to learn to attack the holes, with that I mean that sometimes you have to play away from flags if you do not want to mess a hole.  When you get to the green, you have to put yourself in the right spot if you don’t want to three-putt, and if you miss the green, your short game has to be precise and creative.  If you learn to play the course the way the designer wanted us to play then scoring is possible, but if you want to really enjoy your round, forget about being aggressive and think about how I can put the ball in play and play to the widest part of the green.  In order to do so, you need to know the strengths of each hole and what your weaknesses are. Never try to play one of your weak shots against the strengths of the hole.

Visit Jack Nicklaus Academy at Finca Cortesin for more details.